Le forze armate : l'esercito

The armed forces: the army

The armed forces in the First World War were distinct in ARMY; MARINA; AVIATION.

The army was in turn divided into: • infantry • artillery • cavalry, used for exploration and pursuit missions • pioneering genius (engineers), used for the construction of bridges, tunnels, roads, construction of barbed wire palisades etc.


• services: communications, doctors, drivers, logistics.

In particular, the logistics are responsible for transporting everything needed, from food to ammunition • chemical departments The infantry in the Italian army consisted of the targets of the bersaglieri, the alpini and the carabinieri.

The Arditi were special assault troops to whom all the most difficult and fearsome exploits were reserved, especially at night.

They were characterized, in uniform, by black insignia; they underwent special training; they did not live in the trenches and settled in the towns near the front, where they could enjoy the advantages of a freer life than that of others; they had higher wages than the others.

However they had to commit themselves, as has been said, to every undertaking they had been commanded.

The Italian army used the cavalry in Kobarid as a rearguard to hinder the advance of the enemy.

The articulation of the army was as follows: - army: 2 or more army corps, of variable and secret numeric human composition - army corps: 2 or more divisions, of variable and secret numeric human composition - division: 2 or more brigades (approximately 10,000 to 15,000 men) - brigade: 2 regiments.

So the brigade was made up of 5,000 men and each regiment had 2,500 men - regiment: it usually included 3 battalions of about 800 men each - battalion: made up of about 800 men, and therefore from 4 to 5 companies - company: it included about 120-130 men, and was divided into 4 platoons - platoon: it included 36 men, commanded at least by a lieutenant, that is, an officer, and divided into 4 teams - team: composed of 10 men and commanded by a non-commissioned officer.

In the movie, precise information on weapons .