La leggenda

The legend

The legend of Rome is based on the story of Romulus and Remus: two children abandoned inside a basket brought up to the Palatine hill by the waters of the Tiber river.

Fortunately, a she-wolf passing by the river found the two children, approached them, began to feed them with her milk and warm them.

Once grown up, the two decided to found a city right on the hill where the she-wolf had nursed them.

They asked a fortune teller for advice on who would give the city its name and who would become its king.

The fortune teller replied that Romulus had to go to the Palatine hill, while Remus to the Aventine hill.

From up there they would watch the sky carefully, studying the flight of birds to understand what the gods had decided.

Remo was the first to see a large number of birds: six vultures with immense wings that flew right above his head.

But shortly afterwards Romulus saw twelve of them.

At that point the twins began to quarrel until Romulus prevailed who killed Remus and became the first king of Rome.

Romulus governed wisely, helped by a hundred senators.

Rome thus became the most beautiful and largest city in the ancient world and the capital of an immense empire.